Monday, August 28, 2017

The Effects of Technology and Human Population

BLOG POST #1 (W.O.V.E.N Videos)


Title: Did you Know? -- These 2 minutes can change your life

What this video summarizes and argues about is the fact that poor posture links to lower life expectancy and potential due to the modern age of compact technology. Television, smartphones and handheld devices with bright screens help us with obtaining information and reliable communication at any given time or place. We spend hours per day watching entertainment, texting through phones, procrastinating through social media, playing video games, etc. Statistics and evidence were provided. Some stated that people spend about 9.6 hours per day just sitting. An argument against for why sitting is so harmful is the fact that humans were designed to walk and travel. During the industrial revolution and the time before that, humans spent most of their life on their feet. This is important and deserves public recognition, because as humans we never realize the time that passes and life wasted. For the ones that watch TV 6 hours a day, this will shorten their life expectancy by 5-10 years. There are many consequences to involve your majority of life and dedicate it to technology and sitting. Proper life experiences and realities will allow individuals to live life to their full potentials, but this can be given up by technology driven people. Health issues can be well affected by the rate of poor posture and technology. 

I believe this video expresses the consequences to technology very well through statistics and evidence. While I can relate to being one of the individuals to depend heavily on technology, I believe that everyone deserves to take breaks and live life to its fullest. We need to use our eyes to see our man-made experiences instead of seeing it through a screen. Technology has gone a long way, and I believe provides humans to live an easier life. It is an essential, and technology leads a great stepping stone to human advances. One major and obvious example is the technological advancements made in medicine and the scientific field. Daily living, health benefits, and business has improved by the factors of technology, but the present threatens our future as technology is taken for granted. Consequences threatens humanity, such as for health issues and inner self learned knowledge through life experiences. Life is out there, more from what there is within a screen. Electronics can get in the way of important events. We spend a lot of time with our eyes glued to a monitor, rather than looking at life and soaking in all of it. Technological advancements have made it almost impossible to live without a cellular device, some sort of social media platform, or any application at our fingertips. 

Source: Google Images
*This picture represents the large amount of people watching the concert through their phone screen instead of experiencing it through their own eyes. 

While technology is necessity, a large amount of people have taken it of granted. Effects and statistics prove that there are negative impacts towards the human population. Now is the time to change our lives around into something more beautiful than for what is on our screens. Technology is not worth the health issues and wasted life experiences. Our bodies are not meant to adapt to smaller technology. As we become further embedded in the age of technology, we owe it to our bodies to take precaution and prevent ourselves from bad posture and stress. We need encourage people to look up, because you can save your neck and back from pain as you notice the world on a broader scale!

Youtube Video that supports the argument: "Look up"

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